Sunday in the snow!!! No work today!(吉さんが市田柿の片付け中😻)
There was only a little snow but we made the most of it! 雪はちょっとだけど、思い切り遊んだ!!
Trains, mountains and blue sky! シャインマスカット#1
Today was a beautiful day pruning at the orchard. The snow topped mountains and blue sky. You can`t beat it! 今 ≫続きを読む
Before Today we are cutting the tops off the branches. this makes pruning easier. 今日は、剪定が楽になるように、枝の上部分を切っています。 ≫続きを読む
インフルエンザ!!! I have the flu.(旦那が市田柿の片付け)
Nelly got the flu last week and now have it. So, there is nothing more for me to do than sit with my boy and r ≫続きを読む
Today, on the way back from our nephew`s 1st birthday party we dropped in on green farm to check on the sales ≫続きを読む
My lovely friend Julia Greef and I losing in Alps park. We had a great time catching up.