Hotfield 2018
We went to the hotfield festival in Toyama prefecture. It was a great fes. There was lots of stuff for the chi ≫続きを読む
|さらら農園日記 |by sally
Last day of trimming the vines in this heat.
It has been really hot but we made it. 暑かったけど。。。終わった!!!最後の摘芯。
Here is Nelly looking gorgeous before her Summer festival. She loves ice cream.
|さらら農園日記 |by sally
Today was a hot day at work. 今日は暑かった!!!
|さらら農園日記 |by sally
Muddy waters
雨の後泥んこ遊び!!!! Every cloud has a silver lining…well at least for the kids!
|さらら農園日記 |by sally
Rainy days
|さらら農園日記 |by sally
Before After
Little helpers!
Watering and then a giant caterpillar… lo
|さらら農園日記 |by sally